Reviewing Gulaal's best moments

If I had to summarize 2020 in one word, I'd go with 'odd'.
IFrom the entire lockdown process to a virus that we are still very clueless about, we've been through a lot.
I2020 was bittersweet, to say the least. While we couldn't go out, we still had plenty of time to self-reflect and spend time with our loved ones.
IAll that self-reflection has motivated me to pen down this blog today.
II want to wrap up 2020 by listing how Gulaal has blossomed over this year.
IWhen we started this brand, we were somewhere in the dark about how to be effectively sustainable.
IHowever, we progressed and taught ourselves the correct meaning of environmental-friendliness.
IAfter that, we steadily switched to recyclable packaging.
IThis felt and still feels like a step in the right direction and I am proud to be contributing to our planet in some way.
IIf you'd like to learn inventive ways to reuse our packaging, read this blog.
INot to forget, we also introduced 'Sita' collection to the world and every outfit featured in it was crafted from the waste fabric of our previously-launched 'Radhika' collection.
IThis decision also felt like a victory and every time I gaze at the 'Sita' collection, I feel extremely pleased with it.
ICharity begins at home, they say. But for Gulaal, charity began because of a pleasant and fruitful collaboration with Jaipur's highly respected NGO named 'Umang'.
IOur Christmas boxes for women and children were an instant hit not only because of the goodies inside them but also because some of the items in the box had been dutifully crafted by the specially-abled children from the NGO.
Client Diaries
IWe are a humble, home-grown business. So, keeping track of our clients' feedback is easy and fun.
IThe cherry on top this year was being able to feature SO many of you wearing our clothes on our website and social media platforms.
IOur #GulaalTribe expanded like never before. And, we relished every moment of it.
ISpecial mention goes out to Ketaki Kapoor who we interviewed on the occasion of World Food Day.
IThis light-hearted conversation with her made us hungry and won our and our customers' hearts.
IWe feel honoured to have Ketaki as one of our most dedicated supporters since Day 1.
Experimental fashion
At this point, you must be aware of the fact that Gulaal is an Indian brand through and through. Our fascination intensifies when we spot the chance to experiment with traditional textile techniques.
IHowever, in the last few months, we have oozed a more contemporary vibe. We have debuted collections featuring mainly western silhouettes.
IFor instance, our 'Candy Velvet' collection with its chic, velvet night suits.
IOur 'Checkmate: Winter Edition' collection with its all-flannel ensembles.
IOr, our 'Indigo Meadows' collection with its eternally trending denim dresses and skirts.
IWe took the road not taken before. We tried and tested. We faltered and we thrived. And, that makes me incredibly happy.
II don't want to say goodbye to 2020, thinking that I am getting rid of something scary and rotten.
II want to say goodbye to it on friendly terms. It may have taken a toll on us but it gave us the chance to be grateful for who we are, what we do and who we do it with.
II spent my 2020 catering to you and so many of our lovely clients. And, I want to spend the next year and thereafter doing the same.
IHappy (almost) New Year. Party safely.